Kent County
Sportshall Athletics 2022/23
Last amended
at 29-08-23

Under 11
Girls League table
Under 13
Girls League table
Under 15
Girls League table
Under 11
Boys League table
Under 13
Boys League table
Under 15
Girls Allrounder
Under 15
Boys Allrounder

1 April 2023 -
UK Sportshall final, Stoke on Trent

two weeks before the UK Sportshall final on the 1st of April in Stoke on
Trent, the Kent U13 boys got an invite to attend having won the paper match
from the regional finals. Luckily everyone from the original team, apart
from two boys, could come at this short notice, and thanks to Ashford and
Tonbridge suitable replacements for these two boys were found.
Despite the long journey, everyone in the Kent team made it in time for the
start. Story Bundy (Invicta EK) won a gold medal in the shot put 10.18m,
Thomas Webb (Folkestone RC) had an excellent run in the 4 lap race coming 2nd
in 46.9s. Thomas also came 4th in the shot 9.60m missing out on a
medal by 6cm. James Wilcox and Finley Patten came equal 5th in the speed
bounce with 80 bounces each. Alfie Walach was 6th in his standing
long jump 2.35m and 6th in the 6 lap race 1m18.2s. Jake Conyers
(Dover RR) came 7th in his vertical jump. Sam Foster (Tonbridge
AC) joined Alfie in the Standing long jump. Jayden Ideh-Ichofu (Medway &
Maidstone), Dylan Davidson-Daniel (Ashford AC) were joined by substitutes
Jacob McGeachy (Tonbridge AC) and Samuel Beaumont (Ashford AC) to make up
the Kent team.
came 6th overall out of 9 teams from around the country an
excellent result.
thanks to all those who came at such short notice.
Janet Duffin & Elizabeth Bignell team managers.

26 February 2023
- Regional Final

Sportshall Regional Finals were held at Burgess Hill and there were some
excellent results with the under 13 boys achieving their best result in many
years by coming second in the team competition. Thomas Webb (Folkestone RC)
won the 4 lap race and came 3rd in the shot put 9.99m, James Wilcox (Ashford
AC) won the speed bounce with 83 bounces and Tristan Suberu (Folkestone RC)
won the 2 lap race. Tristan led the 4 x 2 relay to victory with Story Bunday
(Invicta East Kent) Jake Conyers ( Dover RR) Bukunmi Edun, (Medway &
Maidstone AC) completing the team. Alfie Walach (Swale Combined) won a
bronze medal coming third in the standing long jump with 2.32m. There were
also some excellent results from Sam Foster (Tonbridge AC) Dylan
Davidson-Daniel (Ashford AC) Finley Paton (Ashford AC) and Jayden
Ideh-Ichofu (Medway & Maidstone AC)
U13 girls missed out on the 3rd place and bronze medals in their team event
by nine points. Lily Rockall (Folkestone RC) won the standing long jump with
2.25m and Mia Blaber (Medway & Maidstone AC) won the standing triple jump
with 6.81m, Lily Juan (Medway & Maidstone AC) came 3rd in the same event
with 6.47m. Caitlin Smith (Folkestone RC) came 4th in the shot with 8.18m
and Erin Tuffield (Tonbridge AC) was 4th in the vertical jump. Millie Rumley
(Swale Combined) claimed the silver medal in the speed bounce with 79
bounces. Ayanfeoluwa Afolabi (Tonbridge AC) was 5th in the vertical jump.
Making up the rest of the team was Martha Adkins (Invicta East Kent) Niamh
Daly (Tonbridge AC) Pixie Davies (Maidstone & Medway AC) and Alathaea
Jenkins (Paddock Wood AC).
were some excellent results in the under-15 girls’ team, as they came fourth
overall. Harriet Court (Paddock Wood AC) won the shot with a PB of 10.83m
and she was 2nd in the standing long jump with 2.30m Dakota Wilson (Invicta
EK) won the speed bounce with 85 bounces, Violet Maxted (Ashford AC) came
2nd with 65cm in the vertical jump. They were supported by Hannah Sinclair
(Folkestone RC), Mia Pearson (Ashford AC), Leila Forest (Invicta EK) and
Julie Sombie (Folkestone RC) who scored 81 in a non-scoring speed bounce. In
the all-rounders’ competition Harriet Court came equal 3rd just three points
off the winner. Some of these girls are first year under 15s, so stand a
good chance for next year.
The under 15 boys’ team found some tough opposition
with most of the boys being first year under 15s. The only medallist was
Oliver Downs (Invicta EK) who came third in the shot put with 9.99m. Oliver
came 11th in the all-around competition out of over 40 boys. He was
supported in the rest of the team by William Hurst (Paddock Wood AC), Elly
Matthews (Folkestone RC), Isaac Wood (Ashford AC), Noah Jennings (Swale
Combined) and Alfie Hughes (Swale Combined).
A big thank you to all the parents and officials to
came to support the team. Couldn’t manage without you.
Janet Duffin & Elizabeth Bignell Team managers
All results from the weekend are on

Huge Kent Success for U11 Sportshall Team at the Regional Finals
On Sunday 26th February, thirty very excited and
nervous athletes arrived at The Triangle Sports Centre to take on six other
counties in the South East Regional Sports Hall Final 2023. The nervous
energy was put to good use superbly as everyone of the team ran, jumped and
threw for their lives. In the girls competition we had 3 track wins in the
Under and Over relay, Hurdles relay and 2+2 lap relay. In the field we had
victories in the balance test and hi stepper. Overall, the girls came 2nd
and gained the SILVER medals! In the boys competition we had 3 track wins in
the 4x1 relay, Over and Under relay and hurdles relay. In the field, we had
victories in the balance test and triple jump. Overall, the boys came 1st
and gained the GOLD medals! I am immensely proud of each one of the team and
I could not have asked for anymore form them! Thank you to all the parents
and supporters on the day and during this whole process, without you we
could not have achieved what we did. GOLD AND SILVER MEDALS, an epic
Chris Hogwood

15 January 2023 - U11 Decathlon, the Stour Centre, Ashford
U11 Decathlon results -
Boys U11
Decathlon results

11 December 2022
- the Stour Centre, Ashford (County Champs)
Full results
Girls U11 results -
Boys U11 results
Girls U11 League
table -
Boys U11 League

20 November 2022
- the Stour Centre, Ashford (League)
Girls U11 -
Boys U11
Girls U13 -
Boys U13
Girls U15 -
Boys U15
Team Results