Last amended
at 12 January 2023

The Association's
Constitution had minor changes agreed at the Special General Meeting on 21st
November 2022
Founded September 1990 and incorporating Kent County
Amateur Athletic Association
(founded 1920) and Kent County Women’s Athletic Association (founded 1946)
1. Title
The Association shall be
called the “Kent County Athletic Association” - hereinafter referred to as
the ‘Association’. The address of the Association shall be deemed to be the
address of the Honorary Secretary.
Definition of “County”
In this constitution, the
word “County” shall be regarded as being the current Administrative County
of Kent together with those parts of Greater London that were within the
County of Kent on 20 March 1889. (See Note at end of Constitution).
3. County
Colours & Emblem
The colours to be worn by
athletes representing the Association shall be Royal Blue and the “Invicta”
rampant white horse logo shall be the emblem of the Association.
The primary objective of
the Association is to take athletics forward in Kent by the encouragement,
organisation and management of the sport in the County, and in pursuance
thereof by:
(a) the provision of policy guidance to Clubs and Event Organisers in
respect of legal requirements, including inclusiveness per the Disability
and Equality Act of 2010;
(b) ensuring that the Laws and Regulations of the governing bodies for
athletics in England are observed in all aspects of the sport;
(c) the development and promotion of County Championships in all relevant
(d) the selection of teams to represent the County in Inter-County and other
(e) the consideration of membership applications for the Association;
(f) assistance in the promotion of athletics in schools and
other appropriate organisations;
(g) assistance in the formation and development of clubs and associations;
(h) supporting individual and collective coaching activities.
5. Membership
(a) Eligibility
Any athletic club, association or branch of other sports clubs, provided it
is eligible for affiliation to the national governing body for athletics in
England, may apply for membership of the Association. Individuals may also
apply for membership but must possess a County qualification, unless such
application is made in an administrative or non-competitive capacity only.
(b) County
A County qualification may be acquired as follows:
(i) by birth; or
(ii) by nine months continuous bona fide residence in the County; or
(iii) by nine months service in a unit of HM Forces stationed in the
(See also Rule 9 of the UKA Handbook)
(c) Election of
Applicants for membership to the Association must apply in writing to the
Honorary Secretary.
Athletic clubs must provide a copy of their Constitution with their
Election to membership shall be by majority vote at an Executive Committee
meeting or by the agreement of a majority of the Executive Committee by
electronic communication between meetings.
(d) Resignation from
A member may resign from membership of the Association by giving notice of
three months in writing to the Honorary Secretary. No refund of subscription
is payable.
Any member not having sent notice of resignation on or before the thirty
first of December in any year shall be liable for the subscription for the
ensuing year.
(e) Schools
Schools (including Colleges and Academies for students up to 19 years of
age) in Kent (as defined in 2 above) may enter teams in Association
competitions. Each member of a school’s team must be Kent County qualified.
(f) Misconduct
The Association will adopt the ‘Misconduct’ competition rule of the national
governing body for athletics in England, insofar as it applies to the
affairs of the County Association.
6. Honorary
(a) President
The President will be nominated and invited by the Executive Committee and
proposed for election at the Annual General Meeting. The initial term of
office is to be of three years, with re-election for a further term of three
years if confirmed at the Annual General Meeting. No more than two
consecutive terms of office are permitted, although further terms may be
served after a break of at least three years. The President shall be an
ex-officio member of all Committees and Sub-Committees.
(b) Vice-President
If deemed appropriate at the Annual General Meeting, a Vice-President may be
elected for a term of three years and shall be eligible for immediate
re-election for a further term of three years. Election as Vice-President
shall not automatically be assumed to be a prelude to become President after
three or six years, as appropriate.
(c) Past Presidents
Past Presidents will be invited to continue to participate in the
Association and in some cases may be awarded Life Membership
(d) Honorary Life
Life membership may be awarded to any athlete or administrator who, in the
opinion of the majority at an Annual General Meeting, deserves recognition
of exceptional long and active service in supporting the Association in
achieving its objectives. Honorary Life Members will have restricted
voting rights such that decision making continues to be influenced by active
elected members and clubs.
(e) Nominations
Nominations for the Honorary positions of President and Vice-President (at
the end of the three year term or in the event of a vacancy occurring for
either position) and Life Member may be made by any member of the
Association (Club or Individual). Nominations must be received by the
Honorary Secretary by 1st October for review and approval by the Executive
Committee for inclusion in the motions at the Annual General Meeting
(a) Subscriptions for
all members, both clubs and individuals, are payable on election and
subsequently on the first day of January in each year. The amount payable
shall be set by the Executive Committee. Any amendment to the subscription
shall be operative from the first day of the following January.
(b) A member whose
subscription is in arrears shall not be entitled to vote at any General
Meeting nor enter teams in any Championship. This clause shall not preclude
an individual member in arrears from submitting a valid team entry on behalf
of a club or affiliated body whose subscription is not in arrears.
(c) Any member whose
subscription is in arrears, or who is under liability to the Association,
may be suspended or expelled by the Executive Committee. At least
twenty-eight days’ notice of such action shall be sent by electronic mail or
by post to the last known contact address of the member.
The management of the
affairs of the Association shall be vested in the Officers, the Executive
Committee and the Annual and Special General
9. Officers
The Officers of the
Association shall be the Chairman, Honorary Secretary and Honorary
Executive Committee
(a) Composition
The Executive Committee shall comprise The Officers and up to five persons
with Positions of Responsibility within the Association, with no Club being
in a majority of the constituted Executive Committee. In the event of less
than five members being elected, the Executive Committee may co-opt
additional voting members as it sees necessary until the next Annual General
Meeting. Each attendee shall have one vote with motions decided by a simple
majority with, if required, a casting vote by the Chairman.
The President, the
Vice-President and the Immediate Past President shall be entitled to attend
all Executive Committee Meetings.
(b) Powers of the
Executive Committee
(i) The Executive Committee shall maintain on-going liaison, where
necessary, with the following Sub-Committees or Positions of Responsibility:
Cross Country
Development and Coaching
Fell Running
Medals and Trophies
Road Running / Endurance
Team Management & Selection (including making appropriate arrangements
for chaperoning)
Track & Field
(ii) The Executive
Committee may also appoint other Sub-Committees, and/or individuals to
specific tasks, as may be deemed necessary to properly address the affairs
of the Association, and shall define their terms of reference.
(iii) The Executive
Committee shall have the power to co-opt onto the Executive Committee, and
to Sub-Committees, in an advisory capacity any persons whose services are
(iv) The
Secretary/Co-ordinator of a Sub-Committee may be invited or request to
attend a meeting of the Executive Committee for discussion of a particular
(v) The Officers shall be ex-officio members of all Sub-Committees.
(c) Frequency of
In general, the Executive Committee shall meet at least on a quarterly
basis, subject to the demands of business of the Association. It will not
usually meet in the month of the Annual General Meeting. Dates will be
confirmed on a meeting-by-meeting basis with that of the next meeting
included in the Minutes/Notes. Between formal meetings (which may be virtual
or hubrid), the Executive Committee may conduct business by electronic
communication or by telephone, with decisions being minuted at the next
formal meeting of the Executive Committee.
(d) Quorum
Four members present and entitled to vote shall form a quorum.
(e) Notes of
Executive Committee Meetings
These shall be circulated electronically to members of the Executive
(f) Emergency
Matters of urgency shall be dealt with by the Officers meeting as an
Emergency Committee. The proceedings of the Emergency Committee shall be
reported to the Executive Committee at its next meeting.
11. Annual
General Meeting
(a) An Annual General
Meeting shall be held annually during the month of November.
(b) At least 42 days’
notice of the meeting shall be given to all members by mail or by electronic
(c) The following shall
be entitled to attend the Annual General Meeting :
1. The Officers, The President, Vice-President, Secretaries/Co-ordinators
of Sub-Committees and
Individuals in Positions of Responsibility, Past Presidents
and Honorary Life Members, all of whom
be entitled to one vote.
2. Two members from each club affiliated to the Association with
both delegates entitled to one vote
N.B. Those attending as individuals in their own right (as
shown in 1. above) shall not be entitled to
an additional vote as a delegate from their
affiliated club
3. Two members from any organisation operating within the County
under the auspices of England Athletics or UK Athletics may attend
the Annual General Meeting but have no voting rights.
(d) The business of the
meeting shall be to :
receive and consider the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting
receive and consider the Annual Report
receive and consider an independently examined Financial Statement for
the past year to 30 September
fill a vacancy or, if at the end of a three year cycle, to elect the
President and/or Vice-President.
elect the Officers
elect the Secretaries of Sub-Committees/Co-ordinators and appropriate
Positions of Responsibility
elect the Members of the Executive Committee
elect an Independent Financial Examiner
elect Honorary Life Members, if deemed appropriate
transact such other business as specified in the notice convening the
(e) Submission of
motions for the Agenda
Any club, association or body of persons entitled to be represented at a
General Meeting or any persons entitled to vote in their own right, may
submit a motion for consideration at the Annual General Meeting. All
motions, including motions for changes of rules, must be submitted in
writing and must be received by the Hon. Secretary no later than twenty
eight days prior to the Annual General Meeting. All such motions shall be
included in the Agenda and circulated.
(f) All elections,
proposals, submissions and motions shall be decided by a simple majority of
those present who are entitled to vote. If required, the Chairman shall have
the casting vote.
(g) Quorum
Twelve persons entitled to attend and to vote at an Annual General
Meeting shall form a quorum.
(f) Other Attendees
Any Kent qualified athlete or active volunteer
is welcome to attend the AGM, may contribute by invitation from the Chair
but may not vote unless they are on the list of those qualified to vote
atthe AGM.
12. Special
General Meetings
A Special General Meeting
of the Association shall be called on the instructions of the Executive
Committee, or within one month of the receipt by the Honorary Secretary of a
written request made by at least six members. Such requisitions shall state
the matter it is proposed to bring forward at the meeting and the Honorary
Secretary shall notify all members of such business at least fourteen days
prior to the meeting.
No other business may be brought forward or discussed at such meeting.
Entitlements to attend, voting rights and the formulation of a quorum shall
be as for an Annual General Meeting.
13. Finance
(a) The accounts of the
Association shall be made up to the thirtieth day of September each year and
shall be audited by the Independent Financial Examiner elected at the Annual
General Meeting. The Executive Committee may order an examination of the
accounts at any time.
(b) The funds of the
Association shall be vested in the Honorary Treasurer who shall apply and
deal with Association monies in such manner as the Executive Committee shall
direct in pursuit of the objectives of the Association.
(c) The funds of the
Association shall be deposited in an account or accounts opened in the name
of the Association at a bank, building society, or other similar deposit
taking institution.
(d) Books of account
shall be kept by the Honorary Treasurer and remain the property of the
(e) The Officers of the
Association are the custodians of all monetary and other assets of the
14. Welfare
and Equity
The Association will
adopt and apply the ‘Welfare and Equity Policies’ of the
national governing body for athletics in England insofar as it applies to
County Association affairs.
Association Assets
All cups and trophies
offered for competition in County Championships shall be perpetual and
remain the property of the Association. The recipient of a County cup or
trophy shall sign a receipt and undertake to return such in good condition
upon request.
Amendments to Rules
These rules shall not be
altered nor amended except by the vote of two-thirds of the members present
and eligible to vote at an Annual General Meeting.
The Association may be
dissolved at an Annual General Meeting, or at a Special General Meeting,
upon the affirmative vote of three-quarters of those present and entitled to
vote. In the event a decision to dissolve the Association is reached, the
assets of the Association shall be transferred to such other organisations
as may exist, or be formed, for the benefit of athletics in Kent. In the
event of there being no such body, the assets of the Association shall be
realised by the Executive Committee and, after provisions for the discharge
of all debts, shall be transferred to the governing body of athletics in
of Operation:
London County Council was formed on 21 March 1889 and took over the
administration of parts of the Counties of Essex, Kent, Middlesex and Surrey
in what is now referred to as ‘Inner London’. The Greater London Council was
formed on 1 April 1965 and took over the administration of the areas covered
by the former London County Council together with additional parts of the
Counties of Essex, Kent, Middlesex and Surrey.
The areas within Greater London now considered to be part of the ancient
and geographical County of Kent are those with the following London Post
Codes SE2, SE3, SE4, SE6, SE7, SE8, SE9, SE10, SE12, SE13, SE14, SE18, SE20,
SE23, SE26, & SE28 plus those areas without a London Post Code located
within the London Boroughs of Bexley and Bromley. Although SE19 is deemed to
be part of Surrey, for historic athletic reasons the administration of the
Crystal Palace Park site is treated as an area shared with Surrey County
Athletic Association. Any income accruing to a county from athletic
activities within the Park site are split equally between Kent and Surrey.